Shop for Mom and help benefit Trailnet's work in STL
When you are passionate about Social Entreprise, Environmental Stewardship and lead an active lifestyle, you can't help but think of how we can support the work that Trailnet is doing in our area.
We are delighted to donate 15% of all our in-store and online sales from Tuesday, May 5 to Friday, May 8 to support the amazing work Trailnet does every day in our area.
Here is where YOU come in. You Shop, We Donate!
Trailnet is the voice for the pedestrian and bicyclist in the St. Louis Region. Trailnet gets people moving by:
- Hosting bike rides
- Building community

- Building confidence by teaching practical community skills

- Advocating for streets for everyone
- Bringing the right people to the table to create a collective voice for better walking and biking
- Creating bicycles and pedestrian plans for municipalities
- Teaching innovative street design

These powerful words inspire us to do the work we do. It is through Fair Trade that we, as consumers, can make a difference. Support this producer-centered supply chain model and you'll be helping provide sustainable employment, educational opportunities and medical care to hundreds of artisans and their families. But it doesn't end there.
The quote has also inspired to Give Back to the Community that gives us so much and that's why we want to raise funds to fund the continuous work of Trailnet!
Thank you for your support!
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