Premium Pure Raw Honey Glass Jar 10oz
Premium Pure Raw Honey Glass Jar 10oz nutrition facts label
Premium Pure Raw Honey Glass Jar 10oz front label
Premium Pure Raw Honey Glass Jar 10oz
Premium Pure Raw Honey Glass Jar 10oz nutrition facts label
Premium Pure Raw Honey Glass Jar 10oz front label

Premium Pure Raw Honey Jar 10oz

Regular price $15.00 Save $0.00

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BuzzKindly Honey ​uses frames that are uncapped, spun in an extractor and bottled after gently passing through a coarse, stainless steel mesh sieve. This helps hold back larger, undesired, particles from the final product. Honey is ​bottled without heat,​ or the use of fine filters leaving all of the flavors, as well wonderful health benefits of natural pollen, propolis, vitamins, minerals and enzymes intact.

  • Produced in LaBarque Creek, MO
  • Ingredients: 100% pure​, ​unfiltered​ and ​raw honey
  • Dairy Free​, ​Low Fat​, ​Low Sodium​, ​Paleo Friendly​, ​Vegetarian
  • Raw honey will crystallize eventually. If this happens, give the spreadable goodness a try! Or place the jar in warm water to liquefy.
  • Don’t feed to children under 1 year of age

BuzzKindly is a small apiary on LaBarque Creek, nestled in the rolling hills above the Meramec River. We are committed to helping support the honey bee population one colony at a time, while providing valuable pollination to the neighboring wildflowers, trees and gardens. Natural beekeeping practices ensure that the colonies are never treated chemically or fed synthetic supplements. Happy, healthy bees produce premium honey!

BuzzKindly harvests the excess honey stored in the upper boxes of their Langstroth hives twice per year. In the fall, they pay special attention to the amount of capped honey remaining in the hive assuring the bees have ample food to survive the winter months.