Musical Instruments
- 10-inch Rainstick
- Bee Hive Junior Drum with Stick
- Bottlecap Caxixi Rattle
- Calabash and Cowry Shells Shaker
- Cucu Shaker with Bracelet Handle
- Double Y Shaker
- Fire Burned Gourd Scraper with Rasp
- Frame Drum - Butterfly
- Frame Drum - Gecko
- Frog Wood Scraper
- gift card
- Gore Shaker
- Half Moon Tambourine
- Hand-carved Gourd Maraca
- Indian Pan Flute
- Jingle Panderetas Frame Drum Junior
- JuJu Nut Arm Shaker
- Large Copper Solo Bell #10
- Large Gourd Wingo Shaker
- maraca
- music note earrings
- music theory earrings
- musical instruments
- Musical Note Recycled Metal Ornament - Semiquaver
- Musical Note Recycled Metal Ornament - Treble Clef
- percussion instrument
- tambourine
- Tobilleras Leg Shaker with Velcro
- Treble Clef Wire Earrings
- Tree of Life Frame Drum
- Wooden Tambourine
- 10-inch Rainstick
- Bee Hive Junior Drum with Stick
- Bottlecap Caxixi Rattle
- Calabash and Cowry Shells Shaker
- Cucu Shaker with Bracelet Handle
- Double Y Shaker
- Fire Burned Gourd Scraper with Rasp
- Frame Drum - Butterfly
- Frame Drum - Gecko
- Frog Wood Scraper
- gift card
- Gore Shaker
- Half Moon Tambourine
- Hand-carved Gourd Maraca
- Indian Pan Flute
- Jingle Panderetas Frame Drum Junior
- JuJu Nut Arm Shaker
- Large Copper Solo Bell #10
- Large Gourd Wingo Shaker
- maraca
- music note earrings
- music theory earrings
- musical instruments
- Musical Note Recycled Metal Ornament - Semiquaver
- Musical Note Recycled Metal Ornament - Treble Clef
- percussion instrument
- tambourine
- Tobilleras Leg Shaker with Velcro
- Treble Clef Wire Earrings
- Tree of Life Frame Drum
- Wooden Tambourine
Calling all Music Makers! Here is a wonderful collection of hand-crafted and fair trade instruments for everyone at home!
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Frog Wood Scraper